Thursday, 22 November 2012

Mood board.

  1. We are using Hannah's house to film, because it is the right fitting and scene to our chosen genre because it has small places to hide and has a horror-feel.
  2. The people we are using to act in our film will be ourselves and/or other people that are teenagers.
  3. we will be making the actors hide in small places and look scared.
  4. we will have a murderer on the loose in Hannah's house.
  5. the killer will be using a knife to kill the victims.
  6. we will involve shadows/ people lurking in the shadows
  7. these stairs are similar to the ones in Hannah's house, where the victims will be running up.
  8. Hannah has a cupboard under her stairs, a dead victim will be in there.
  9. the killer will kill the teenagers with a knife.
  10. this wardrobe is similar to the one in Hannah's house, where some of the teenagers will be hiding in.
  11. the teenagers will be wearing pj's or casual clothes, seeing as they are at a sleepover/gathering.
  12. the killer will be wearing a horrifying mask that will scare the victims so that it will be the last thing that they ever see.
  13. we will be using fake blood to give the effect of wounds and cuts to make it more horrifying and to scare the audience.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Audience profiling.

Audience profiling.
Comparable Profile for Scream 3.
(slasher horror)
By the look of this profile the age that mostly views slasher horrors are 15-24 year olds, therefore the main target audience we should focous on is the mid-teens and early 20's( 15-24). It also shows that the main Gender that views these kind of films are Male. this means we should make our film more appealing to men (This could explain why nearly every slasher horror movie has a range of attractive young women to appeal to the greater male audience), but still appeal to women seeing as 39% of them watch slasher horrors.
The main Class that view these kind of movies are the middle/working class,  this could be because the theme of horror slasher could not appeal to the higher class seeing as it involves gore and death, and it appeals to the middle/ working class because it could be some sort of an escape for them.
Comparable Profile for Final Destination.
(Supernatural horror)
This profile shows the age that mostly watch supernatural horrors are 15-24 year olds, this means that the main focus and target audience is mid teens and early 20's.  The main gender that seem to watch supernatural horrors are Male, again, this means that most horror films appeal to men, this is why our opening 2 minutes/ film should appeal mostly to men. (including attractive females in distress and gore.) but we still need to make the film appeal to women seeing as 47% of females do actually watch supernatural horrors.
Supernatual horrors attract the more higher class, looking at the comparable profile shows this, this could mean that the higher class like to see not much gore but alot of freaky and weird stuff relation to supernatural things. the lower working class seem to not watch alot of supernatural horrors, this could be because there are many final destination films and they may not always be able to afford to see every single one of these supernatural horror films.